C³ Community Development Projects
How C3 Community Development Projects work
Project Proposals: Members will have the opportunity to submit project proposals through our online forum, along with an estimated budget for funding consideration.
Voting Process: The collective will vote on which projects should receive funding.
Collective Funding: C³ Clubs and service providers will contribute monthly to a crowdfunding pool. These contributions will form the basis of the funding for selected projects. This ensures that all members actively support the development of the collective and its initiatives.
Funding Distribution: Funds will be distributed to the projects that receive the most support/ votes from our members.
Our objective is to showcase the positive impact that collective funding and unity can have on the Cannabis community and society at large.
The main goal is to obtain full demographic representation of the South African population in the Cannabis Social Club space through :
Sharing of information/ knowledge/ skills/ management tools/ etc.
Developing skills, training, employment and empowerment opportunities.
Developing community based small scale high value solutions - especially for our legacy/ heritage cultivators such as the Amapondo, KhoiSan and Rastafari communities in the SA context.
Establishing Cannabis Social Clubs which function on various models as supported by C³ with endorsement in collaboration with government.
Establishing empowerment opportunities in the Cannabis sector by subcontracting the services of C³ based club operations to service providers.
Establishing employment opportunities , educational programs, internships, empowerment opportunities through small medium & micro Enterprises.​​
Establishing ancillary industries such as wellness and tourism through local and international skills development opportunities.